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Joanne Jacobs
Apr 3, 20242 min read
Joe the Plumber is retiring: Will Gen Z train for trades jobs?
Plumbers are retiring faster than apprentices are joining the trade, reports Salena Zito in the Washington Examiner. Builders report...
Joanne Jacobs
Apr 2, 20242 min read
Why I quit teaching: Pay was OK, but not the loss of autonomy
Ben Stein quit teaching after 20 years as a teacher and coach in the West Des Moines school district, he writes on USA Today. He was...
Joanne Jacobs
Apr 1, 20241 min read
Practice works for football -- and math
How do you get to Carnegie Hall -- or a football championship? Practice, right? The same applies to learning math, writes Holly Korbey on...
Joanne Jacobs
Apr 1, 20242 min read
Maybe the cure to math anxiety is to teach kids math
Timed tests cause math anxiety, according to Jo Boaler, a Stanford math education professor who's been charged with "reckless disregard...
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