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Joanne Jacobs
Jun 6, 20231 min read
No sex shows for kids in Texas: Why is this controversial?
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is expected to sign a bill that would ban staging "sexually explicit shows in front of children," reports William...

Joanne Jacobs
May 18, 20232 min read
My students are 'broken kids I cannot fix'
Teachers on Reddit are sharing horror stories of their students' emotional, social and academic melt downs, screen addictions and apathy....

Joanne Jacobs
Apr 19, 20231 min read
'Transition Me Elmo' could be the next hot new toy
The new Transition Me Elmo doll will introduce children "to the exciting new world of gender reassignment," reports Babylon Bee. "If...

Joanne Jacobs
Apr 15, 20232 min read
Desperately seeking kindergarteners in Portland, preschoolers in NYC
Four- and five-year-olds are in short supply in Portland, Oregon, reports Rachel Saslow in Williamette Week. Schools are competing for...

Joanne Jacobs
Apr 8, 20233 min read
The politics of parenting
Permissive parenting -- known as "gentle" or "mindful" or "intentional" parenting -- is spreading among left-of-center parents, writes...
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Joanne Jacobs
Feb 12, 20232 min read
Don't risk freedom, privacy to protect kids from social media
In their zeal to protect children from social media, Utah legislators are debating legislation that would usurp parents' rights and...

Joanne Jacobs
Feb 4, 20232 min read
Obese kids: Are drugs, surgery the answer?
Nearly 20 percent of U.S. children and teenagers were obese by the start of the pandemic, a rate that's quadrupled since the 1960's....

Joanne Jacobs
Feb 2, 20231 min read
Classroom libraries aren't a crime in Florida
The "great Florida classroom library freak-out of 2023" is based on faulty reporting, confusing directives from local school officials...
Joanne Jacobs
Jan 28, 20232 min read
Happy days: Connect, care about others, cope
Happy people are kind to others and to themselves, says Laurie Santos. The Yale psychology professor is offering a free, six-week course,...
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Joanne Jacobs
Jan 20, 20231 min read
Generation Doom: Show students a path forward
Teachers should encourage young people to believe in the future, writes Alice Dominguez on EdSurge. The Doomer Generation needs a sense...

Joanne Jacobs
Dec 29, 20222 min read
Protected kids become anxious adults
In an “Adulting 101” workshop, Kansas State students talk about "conflict" as though "it's this terrible thing," said Brett Mallon, an...

Joanne Jacobs
Dec 26, 20222 min read
'You could shoot your eye out'
I saw National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation for the first time on Christmas Eve -- I'm always just a bit behind the culture -- and...

Joanne Jacobs
Nov 25, 20221 min read
Child's play is learning
Playing -- especially child-directed play outside with friends -- is how kids learn, writes Jackie Mader on the Hechinger Report. Playing...

Joanne Jacobs
Nov 20, 20222 min read
'Anti-adoption drumbeat' leaves kids in foster care
Naomi Schaefer Riley hears an "anti-adoption drumbeat" from the media. "In the wake of the Dobbs decision, the Left wants to make sure...

Joanne Jacobs
Nov 18, 20222 min read
Kids stream more, read less
The rise in screen time -- not just school closures -- is a factor in the decline in achievement, suggests Tim Daly, who runs the...

Joanne Jacobs
Nov 16, 20221 min read
No tattoos for kids -- sex-change drugs are OK
A New York woman was arrested for letting her 10-year-old son get a tattoo, reports the New York Times. State law bans tattoos for...

Joanne Jacobs
Sep 27, 20222 min read
You're not so special
"No one is you, and that is your superpower!" reads a sign at Brian Huskie's school. "Ridiculous," he writes on SubStack. "Imagine being...

Joanne Jacobs
Sep 17, 20222 min read
Can online privacy laws make the net safe for kids?
A new California law will try to protect children online by requiring safeguards for users under 18, reports Natasha Singer in the New...
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Joanne Jacobs
Jul 17, 20222 min read
Raising an American girl
My daughter never had an American Girl doll, because I was too cheap to spend that kind of money, even if each doll had a history back...

Joanne Jacobs
Jun 14, 20221 min read
‘Proud Boys’ interrupt Pride event
Drag Queen Story Hour was starting at a Bay Area library when a group of men entered shouting homophobic and transphobic slurs, reports...
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