Choice, selective schools perpetuate 'inequity,' says Chicago mayor, school board
Gen Z: Whites are 'oppressors' -- especially Jews
Anti-racist math: 2 + 2 = whiteness
DEI rejects merit, excellence, hard work, individual dignity
To kill 'To Kill a Mockingbird'
Black homeschoolers plan microschool, if Texas OKs ESAs
'Diversity' officials widen racial gaps, harm minority students
'What’s the anti-racist perspective on the atomic mass of boron?'
Is this equity? White liberals think it's 'racially enlightened' to lower standards
'Equitable grading' is racism with a smile
Detracking in Shaker Heights: 'Honors' for all, lower expectations
Black history in Florida: 'Strong, valuable people'
Biden opposes 'privilege,' except when his granddaughter applied to Penn
Educate the 99%, who got no help from affirmative action
If colleges can't use race for admissions, what happens?
Conservative moms are hate-filled 'extremists,' says SPLC
Public is divided on public schools
Back in the USA
Make peace, not culture war
'Diversity statements' are out in North Carolina, Texas ...