If schooling was as important as football
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Vesia Hawkins loves football, she writes on Volume & Light, which follows Nashville schools. This year, she’s taking her young cousin to...
Joanne Jacobs
Sep 17, 20182 min read
Black boys lack ‘a teacher who looks like me’
Boys do better with male teachers and non-white students better with a same-race teacher, studies show. Yet, 77 percent of teachers are...
Joanne Jacobs
Aug 13, 20182 min read
Cutting suspensions doesn’t close ‘discipline gap’
California’s out-of-school suspension rate is way down, but the “discipline gap” remains, reports Mario Koran on The 74. Black students...
Joanne Jacobs
Jul 9, 20182 min read
None dare call it tracking
Well, it looks like tracking to me. And I’m fine with it. Jonathan Plucker, a Johns Hopkins education professor, sees “a subtle shift” in...
Joanne Jacobs
Apr 3, 20181 min read
Charter support rebounds
Charter support, which dropped last year, is rebounding, especially among blacks and Republicans, according to University of Southern...
Joanne Jacobs
Mar 19, 20182 min read
Black boys, but not girls, earn less than whites
“Even when children grow up next to each other with parents who earn similar incomes, black boys fare worse than white boys,” concludes a...
Joanne Jacobs
Mar 7, 20182 min read
Discipline reform: Did it go too far?
Discipline reform may have contributed to the violence at Douglas High School, writes Erika Sanzi, who blogs on Good School Hunting, on...
Joanne Jacobs
Feb 5, 20183 min read
Lost Einsteins: Screen ’em all to close ‘gifted gap’
Screening all children for giftedness could help close the “gifted gap” and reduce inequality, suggests a Fordham report. Only 6.1...
Joanne Jacobs
Jan 24, 20181 min read
Closing the gap — in North Dakota
WalletHub’s list of most and least educated states reports that North Dakota has erased the racial education gap. Some 29.4 percent of...
Joanne Jacobs
Dec 27, 20171 min read
Racial quotas for special ed?
Percentage of children and youth ages 3–21 served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by race/ethnicity: 2014–15...
Joanne Jacobs
Dec 10, 20172 min read
New suspension policy does little in Philly
Philadelphia’s discipline reforms, which limited suspensions, improved attendance but not achievement for previously suspended students...
Joanne Jacobs
Dec 4, 20172 min read
All-minority charters: Is it segregation?
At 25 percent of urban charter schools, 99 percent of students are non-white, reports AP. That compares to 10 percent of traditional...
Joanne Jacobs
Nov 28, 20171 min read
Despite huge racial gap, SF rejects KIPP
Progressive San Francisco is one of the worst districts in the state when it comes to educating low-income black and Latino students,...
Joanne Jacobs
Oct 24, 20171 min read
White teachers expect less of black students
White teachers’ low expectations for their black students could become “self-fulfilling prophecies,” concludes an analysis published in...
Joanne Jacobs
Sep 26, 20171 min read
Blacks leave Minneapolis district schools
Parents cite “safety concerns” and “a belief that academics elsewhere are better,” they write. MPS “has struggled for years to close the...
Joanne Jacobs
Aug 28, 20172 min read
Enough with Wobegon: Racial gaps are huge
Every year, Minnesotans laud the excellent test scores for white students and ignore or excuse the dreadful scores for non-whites, writes...
Joanne Jacobs
Aug 16, 20171 min read
We’re making progress on education
The U.S. is making “silent progress” on education, argues Kate Walsh, president of the National Council on Teacher Quality. She cites...
Joanne Jacobs
Jun 19, 20172 min read
Anti-choice folks choose for their own kids
People who exercise choice in educating their own children want black parents to exercise patience, writes Sharif El-Mekki, principal of...
Joanne Jacobs
Jun 15, 20172 min read
Teachers of color aren’t magic solution
Teachers of color are the latest magic bullet for our education woes, writes Alina Adams on New York School Talk. Black teachers...
Joanne Jacobs
Jun 8, 20171 min read
Boys lag in reading, writing
“Three of four African-American boys in California classrooms failed to meet reading and writing standards” on state exams, reports Matt...
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