Joanne JacobsMar 22 min readDenying disabled workers the chance to work isn't 'dignity'Rated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)
Joanne JacobsFeb 272 min readPhonics is the first step: What else do students need to become good readers?
Joanne JacobsFeb 262 min readSpelling isn't obsolete: Linking sounds to letters is key to learning to read
Joanne JacobsFeb 231 min readAsian-American computer whiz sues UC for admissions biasRated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)
Joanne JacobsFeb 212 min readIn a rustbelt city, disadvantaged students are proficient readersRated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)
Joanne JacobsFeb 192 min readMany schools 'either warehouse our kids in special ed or warehouse them in gen ed'
Joanne JacobsFeb 182 min read'Americans got tired of being ridiculed for values like equality, color-blindness, and responsibility,' and now it's backlash timeRated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)
Joanne JacobsFeb 162 min readIn a 'boy-friendly' school, boys get more time to play, socialize, choose activitiesRated 4.5 out of 5 stars.(2)