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What do you want to do when you grow up?
Working-class Americans voted to send Donald Trump back into the White House: He ran strongly with people without college degrees ,...
Joanne Jacobs
Nov 7, 20242 min read

Rigor and results are broccoli: Ed reform has gone soft, sweet
Accountability and rigor are out for politicians and education reformers.
Joanne Jacobs
Oct 29, 20242 min read
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Vo-tech is STEM prep: Needy kids can't get in to learn a trade
High-needs students have a hard time getting into vocational-tech schools in Massachusetts, reports the Boston Globe. Most of the highly...
Joanne Jacobs
Jul 19, 20242 min read

Teens need shop class - not 'technology ed'
Students need to get up from their desks, away from their screens and into shop, home ec and other hands-on classes, opines Pamela Paul...
Joanne Jacobs
Oct 20, 20232 min read

College-going is down, and that could be a good thing
The U.S. could close the college readiness gap -- if the college-going rate keeps falling, writes Fordham's Michael Petrilli. Of course,...
Joanne Jacobs
Aug 2, 20232 min read

U.S. schools devalue academics, celebrate failure
Are you excessively cheerful? Did you turn your frown upside down and now it's stuck that way? David Steiner will remove your...
Joanne Jacobs
Jul 28, 20233 min read

Inside the frog: Is VR learning for real?
Cleveland students are using virtual and augmented reality to learn about frogs from the inside out, report Carmen Blackwell, Susan...
Joanne Jacobs
Jun 9, 20232 min read

Paid jobs put teens on career paths
Career and technical education (CTE) programs are surging across the country, but most students don't end up in those careers. In...
Joanne Jacobs
Dec 9, 20222 min read

Reinvent high school, but how?
Fordham's 2022 Wonkathon is looking for ideas on how to reinvent high school: What policy barriers get in the way? If we all agree that...
Joanne Jacobs
Nov 13, 20221 min read

School choice is a winner
School choice advocates did well in the midterms, writes Mike McShane, national research director of EdChoice, in Forbes. Governors Ron...
Joanne Jacobs
Nov 9, 20221 min read
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As 'college for all' fades, schools build career pathways
"College for all" meant degrees for some, disappointment for others and $1.75 trillion in debt for 48 million borrowers. Urban school...
Joanne Jacobs
Aug 24, 20222 min read
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