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Joanne Jacobs
Aug 14, 20243 min read
Teaching the election: It's not a crusade
Social studies teachers are eager to discuss the election -- students might actually care! -- but also very nervous about...

Joanne Jacobs
Jul 31, 20243 min read
Is it really all that 'weird' for politicians to be pro-family?
Politicians used to kiss babies. Now, they're supposed to diss them, if you believe the anti-Vance campaign.

Joanne Jacobs
Aug 14, 20231 min read
Afraid to teach: 'It's safer to avoid current events'
Polarization is chilling classroom dialogue, according to a series of interviews with teachers by the Constructive Dialogue Institute...

Joanne Jacobs
Aug 31, 20221 min read
Conservatives focus on school board races
California Republicans are focusing on running candidates for school board seats, reports Sameea Kamal in CalMatters. The GOP's “Parent...
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