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Joanne Jacobs
Feb 122 min read
What did we get for $190 billion in school aid? Very little
Pandemic learning loss averaged half a year for most students, but the neediest students lost more in reading and math.
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Joanne Jacobs
Jan 202 min read
Biden's education legacy: Lots of spending, no new ideas
Biden's education legacy: He gave schools billions to recover from the pandemic, but didn't focus on learning.

Joanne Jacobs
Mar 21, 20242 min read
As absenteeism soars, schools want money for no-show students
Funding schools based on enrollment rather than attendance would be "more equitable," a superintendent told Rick Hess as they waited to...

Joanne Jacobs
Mar 14, 20241 min read
School funding is up a lot, but teacher pay is not
Public school spending rose by 25 percent per student in inflation-adjusted dollars from 2002 to 2020, reports the Reason Foundation....

Joanne Jacobs
Nov 3, 20231 min read
Urban charters produce more brains for the buck
Urban charter schools use "fewer dollars to achieve better outcomes" than traditional public schools enrolling similar students,...
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Joanne Jacobs
Jul 12, 20232 min read
Inner-city schools aren't underfunded any more
Abbott Elementary, a popular ABC sitcom about teachers at an inner-city Philadelphia school, is "entertaining but not elucidating" about...

Joanne Jacobs
Apr 21, 20231 min read
Museum plans charter school, loses public school field trips
Worcester (Mass.) public school students won't be going on field trips to nearby Old Sturbridge Village any more, reports Neal McNamara...

Joanne Jacobs
Nov 9, 20221 min read
School choice is a winner
School choice advocates did well in the midterms, writes Mike McShane, national research director of EdChoice, in Forbes. Governors Ron...
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