Who's to blame for the reading crisis?
New teachers 'don't understand how kids learn to read'
Special ed labeling, spending soar -- but it doesn't seem to help students
Reading revolution: It's a lot more than 'back to basics'
Do teachers learn how to teach reading? 19 states are 'weak' or worse
Parents trust their child's reading teacher, but should they?
Training teachers in 'science of reading' improves reading
How to kill the bad-teaching monster: Don't forget the garlic
Why so many parents mistrust schools: They didn't teach our kids to read
Please, please, please don't politicize reading instruction
Good news in Tennessee
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Why Johnny can't read in Oregon
'It's heartbreaking to realize I never taught my students to read'
38% of ed schools get 'F' in prepping teachers to teach reading
It's 'our fault' Johnny and Juanita can't read, says NYC chancellor
It's easier to become a teacher, but ...
Some teachers resist 'science of reading' laws
NAACP pushes for literacy reform: Teach our kids to read
Florida's special-ed students are doing very well: Is it choice?