Denver Public Schools is a great place to teach, according to the National Council on Teacher Quality.
District of Columbia Public Schools and Gwinnett County (Georgia) Public Schools top the list of Great Districts for Great Teachers, announced by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ).
Also in the top eight for recruiting, encouraging, supporting, and retaining great teachers are
Boston Public Schools
Broward County Public Schools (Florida)
Denver Public Schools
New York City Department of Education
Pinellas County Schools (Florida)
Pittsburgh Public Schools
NCTQ analyzed compensation, professional support, effective management and operations, career and leadership opportunities, and support for students.
Honorable mentions went to:
Duval County Public Schools (Florida), for teacher support and feedback
Indianapolis Public Schools, for staffing structures
Newark Public Schools (New Jersey), for compensation and evaluation
School District of Osceola County (Florida), for professional support