The National Education Association's claim that educators "love" their students and know what's best for them is getting a lot of push back, as well as mockery.
A follow-up tweet said: "Together, families and educators are an essential team for advocating for the resources and opportunities all students need." So, parents' role is to advocate for more school funding.
This is why I'm a homeschool dad, writes Tom Knight on Tilting at Windmills. He started when his daughter's school closed, realized it was doable and kept going.
He remembers "when teachers were saying the problem was that parents weren’t involved in their children’s education." Then parents were forced to get involved by the pandemic, he writes. Educators seem to see that as a problem too.
Homeschooling isn't easy, writes Knight. But it gives parents the choice of what and how to teach. The NEA is making him feel good about his decision to stick with it.
There is no question that teachers love their students ... like ranchers love their cattle. Now, whether they have their students' best interests in mind is another matter ... like ranchers for their cattle.
Yeah, sure. There are exceptions. Yet they become more and more rare.
So the NEA has come right out and said black and Hispanic parents don’t know what’s best for their children! I have never heard such hateful racist crap!
Ignore the NEA, and lets have a voucher system.
Please read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, _The Cancer Ward_. In _The Cancer Ward_ Solzhenitsyn ponders the question: "When may one person prescribe for another?" and answers his question: "When there is a bond of love between them" (and this bond must be personal, as between a husband and wife and not some abstract Marxist "love of the people".
Please read the Education statutes of your State. Nothing in Hawaii Revised Statutes requires that homeschooling parents provide instruction between 0800 and 1430. You can legally expend daycare to age 18 and provide instruction in the evening.
Gandhi wrote that parents are the natural teachers of their own children.
Good luck.
This has been going on for a long time. The NEA was always about using parents for fundraising and unpaid drone labor in schools that were already well funded by taxpayers. I refused to participate In this scheme and we are talking about the 90’s.