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No tattoos for kids -- sex-change drugs are OK

Writer's picture: Joanne JacobsJoanne Jacobs

A New York woman was arrested for letting her 10-year-old son get a tattoo, reports the New York Times. State law bans tattoos for children under 18, with or without parental consent.

Can children get tattoos? State laws vary. Photo: Leonardo Cardozo Galves/Pexels

“It is a permanent mark or a symbol you are putting on your body, and I don’t think kids under 18 have that kind of agency to make a decision,” said Dr. Cora Bruener, a pediatrician and professor at the University of Washington Medical Center’s Seattle Children’s Hospital.

If a child under 18 wants puberty blockers and opposite-sex hormones, which can lead to irreversible health effects, parents can consent. "Top surgery" -- double mastectomies -- are becoming more common for transgender teenagers under 18, reports the Times.

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Nov 17, 2022

this same doctor who thinks kids can't get tattoos wholeheartedly approves of transgenderism


Nov 17, 2022

No tattoos. No cigarettes or vaping. No purchase of tickets or admission to "X" rated movies. Don't buy firearms. Or crossbows. Don't even drive, even with a license, with more than one other teen-aged passenger. Buying spray paint may be restricted, or prohibited. Ditto magic markers. Ditto beer or wine or chocolate-covered-cherries with a liquor filling.

A 17 year old can't sign a legally binding contract EXCEPT for a college loan - the one loan that can't be discharged in bankruptcy. A teen can't sign a lease for a car or apartment. Even renting a car for a weekend -- or just for prom night? -- requires an adult to sign off on the agreement.

The protective restrictions states and…

Nov 19, 2022
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The New World Order benefits when children are enslaved to debt, or to big pharma. That's the only thing that matters.

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