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Writer's pictureJoanne Jacobs

Public schools are losing white, middle-class students

Urban school districts are losing students, writes Matt Welch, a public school parent in New York City, in Reason. White, middle-class parents are giving up on city schools. It's not just school closures that's driving parents away, he argues.

The pandemic, an asteroid-level event that permanently altered the landscape for public education in the U.S., is the Big Bang when it comes to plummeting enrollment numbers and catastrophic learning loss in government-run K-12. And the big-city systems that were most likely to be closed or to impose onerous COVID-19 restrictions from the fall of 2020 onward were the ones that suffered the most bleed along both measures.
But they are also, as in New York, the most likely districts to adopt such "equity"-driven policy changes as controlled choice for admissions, ending specialized schools and Gifted & Talented programs, and adopting "restorative justice" approaches to student discipline. Some of those policies were already correlating with unforeseen enrollment declines before the pandemic; others became political flashpoints during the COVID years as newly involved public school parents noticed with bewilderment that even shuttered systems were focusing to an obsessive degree on policies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

In 2019, as Welch's eldest daughter was entering six grade, her Brooklyn district dropped selective admissions to middle schools to combat "desegregation," he writes.

The changes "resulted in a large increase in the shares of White students and non-FRPL (free and reduced-price lunch) students enrolling outside the public school system," concluded researcher Clémence Idoux in a June 2021 MIT paper.

Photo: MART Productions/Pexels

"We have a massive hemorrhaging of students — massive hemorrhaging," Mayor Eric Adams said in July. "We're in a very dangerous place in the number of students that we are dropping."

Last week, David C. Banks, Adams' school chancellor, announced that the city's selective middle schools will use students' grades rather than a random lottery to determine admission, reports Troy Closson in the New York Times. "The previous administration ended the use of grades and test scores two years ago."

"At the city’s competitive high schools, where changes widened the pool of eligible applicants, priority for seats will be limited to top students whose grades are an A average," he writes. New York City’s education officials hope "to create more equitable schools, while trying to prevent middle-class families from abandoning the system," writes Closson. "The district is bleeding students: Roughly 120,000 families have left traditional public schools over the past five years. Some have left the system, and others have gone to charter schools."

Mayor Adams also is expanding gifted and talented classes for elementary students and supports increasing seats in specialized high schools or creating new schools, reports Closson.


Oct 06, 2022

Public school enrollment will fall off a cliff by 2030 if this nonsense keeps up as many parents are going to discover their children won't get enough of an education to help them succeed past the 12th grade in most cases...

Don't need to worry about college enrollment as it will start falling off a cliff in 2025 due to

the decline in the birth rate due to the great recession of 2008-2010

Oct 06, 2022
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The decline in birth rates is a long-term secular trend and encompasses more than just the recession. Probably the main factor is—paradoxically/not really paradoxically given the millennial/Gen Z focus on social justice—the increasing ennui, atomization, and self-involvement of the younger generations, into whom we have poured an overweening neuroticism while removing the traditional mores and expectations that used to characterize the intergenerational covenant, including any hint of organized religion.

In our country, the Left rules the culture and its message to young girls is that abortion is the most inviolable sacrament of life, that having a “career” should be their main ambition in life, and that motherhood is an anchor and an obstacle to personal fulfillment. The Left als…


Oct 05, 2022


Oct 04, 2022

As has been pointed out by many demographers, the ratio of 4 year olds to 7 year olds tells a lot about a neighborhood. When the non-Hispanic white family is forced to decide between the 70% free lunch public school, the $10k a year catholic school, the $25k a year prep school, or moving further out, many will choose moving.

Oct 06, 2022
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But then the issue is whether mom (and it is almost always mom's, can teach the kids calculus, chemistry, physics, etc). And the use of academic resumes for college application hurts homeschooled students without sports or extracurriculars.


Oct 04, 2022

Aside from lack of appropriate academics, the next most frequent reason given to exit public school in NY that I hear is violence. The presence of an SRO on the elementary school playground is a large red flag.... people vote with their feet.

Oct 06, 2022
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No racism, its viewed in the upstate areas as theft to be 'taking' the teacher's time 'from those who really need' the teacher. The viewpoint is that a student who needs 'more', aka grade level academics or higher, 'has enough' and the family should purchase the 'enrichment', aka grade level or higher, from private school if they don't want to pony up and buy in to a richer district. Never mind that most of NY state lacks private schools affordable on nonNYC, nonAlist salaries. If the students that need 'more' can be pushed out, its a win for the district as they will eventually get the prize, the Title 1 money.

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