Success Academy charter students are the best in New York state in math, third best in English Language Arts (ELA) among schools with 95+ percent participation rates in testing, the New York City-based network reported today.
"The majority of the network’s 20,000 students are children of color from low-income households," yet they outperformed students from affluent suburban districts. In every subgroup, Success students succeeded compared to similar students in the city and state.
Forty-nine percent of black students and 55 percent of Hispanic students earned the top score in math; 32 percent of black and Hispanic students earned the top score in ELA.
For special-needs students, 79 percent passed the math test and 56 percent passed the ELA test, triple the rate of similar students statewide.
Students in grades 3 through 8 took the tests in June, but the state delayed releasing the scores.
Should put to bed a lot of the racism in discussions of education (some of which I've seen here in comments.) Almost all kids can learn if they're properly taught. Unfortunately, minority kids are the ones who are most likely to get useless "progressive" and CRT-indoctrinated curriculum and teaching.
Ann in L.A.