Boy Scouts of America, which began admitting 11- to 17-year-old girls in 2019, will become Scouting America next year. "Boy" is out and "youth" is in, writes Heather Mac Donald in Girling the Boy Scouts in City Journal.

The Boy Scouts were formed in 1910 to "combine boys’ craving for heroism with a code of chivalry, wrapped in the lure of the outdoors," she writes. Scouting provided masculine comradeship and adult males to emulate.
More than ever, boys need an "entity that valorizes males" and teaches masculine virtues, Mac Donald writes. In 2022, 40 percent of American children -- 69 percent of blacks -- were born to unwed mothers. Fatherlessness is hardest on boys, who are doing much worse in school -- and life -- than their sisters.
While the government, foundations, corporations, and universities create "female-uplift programs," she writes, masculinity has been labeled toxic.
The Boy Scouts were "too wholesome, too patriotic, and, above all, too male" to survive the progressive assault, writes Mac Donald. They weren't "inclusive."
Females, openly gay would-be scoutmasters, and gay scouts — or, rather, the advocacy organizations claiming to represent those groups — started suing the organization for its failures of “inclusivity.” Corporations stopped funding inner-city scouting, under pressure from their employees, who objected to the Scouts’ ban on openly gay scoutmasters.
First, the Boy Scouts "dropped its ban on openly gay scoutmasters," Mac Donald writes. "Trans Scouts (biological females claiming to be males) came in next." Then came the girls. The Boy Scouts "renounced its mission of developing selfless, self-reliant men, a calling that required acknowledging the specific character of male identity and the benefits of giving boys a male-specific association and code of honor."
"The Girl Scouts will never give up the word 'girl' in the name of inclusivity; nor will it end its all-girl membership rules," she concludes. "Only men are called upon to cancel their presence and their traditions."
The Girl Scouts "welcome all girls" -- including girls who are biological males. Efforts will be made to place a non-binary youth "in a troop that will welcome them," but there's no guarantee. A girl who changes gender identity after joining Girl Scouts may continue "if they still feel" Girl Scouts is "a safe space where they can grow."
The policy states that parents will not be informed that their Girl Scout is no longer a girl Girl Scout.
I was a Brownie Scout, along with all the girls in my elementary school. We learned to knit but did nothing outdoorsy. I did learn flag etiquette. We sang The Brownie Smile Song. When we went on to junior high, everyone quit.
To compensate we now have the open advocacy for the enslavement of young men for a year or two in a Draft. A Draft, not to defend the US, but to make up for the recruiting deficiencies as young men, and women, choose not to put themselves under the orders of what is passed off as officers these days. A Draft that would further the foreign policy whims of the 'elite' status university grads who would never lower themselves to stand a post, not defend US soil from invaders (that's not allowed, see the Southern Border).
But why should young men have a natural indenture to a society that hates them and spent their 12+ years denigrating them in the…