Of course the vast majority of teachers are sympathetic people who want to do good things for children. But programs like this seem to take advantage of that:
Target wants to help teachers stretch their back-to-school dollars on more than just supplies for their classrooms. For the second year, the Minneapolis-based retailer will offer teachers a weeklong 15% discount on select items starting July 13, officials shared exclusively with USA TODAY Wednesday… This year, in addition to school supplies and essentials, which include disinfecting wipes and food storage bags, adult clothing and accessories, Pillowfort furniture and Bullseye’s Playground items also are included.
Any teacher who wants “pillowfort” furniture and/or playground items in their classrooms, well, uh….
Let’s forget that and turn to supplies. School districts, not teachers, should pay for school supplies. In fact, here in California, education code requires districts to pay for even paper and pencils, although I doubt any do.
Stores that have “back to school” sales so parents can buy all those necessary supplies that (usually elementary) teachers post on their classrooms doors or windows? Nope. If public education is a public good, then the schools should provide the necessary supplies.