Selema Graham, a 12th grader, naps in a $10,000 “pod” at Las Cruces High.
Colleges and high schools are creating “nap clubs” and offering pricey “nap pods” to encourage students to get more sleep, reports Rob Shimshock on Daily Caller.
Berkeley equips REST zones with lounge chairs, he writes. “James Madison University offers beanbags for 40-minute segments in its ‘Nap Nook’.”
The MetroNap EnergyPod – priced at $8,000-13,000 – is available at Stanford, University of Miami and elsewhere. It plays music, vibrates, and includes a “privacy visor.”

High schools are starting nap clubs for sleepy and stressed teens, reports the Wall Street Journal.
Las Cruces High in New Mexico used a grant to buy four RestWorks EnergyPods, which cost $10,000 each. Students and teachers use the pods.
The Boston Community Leadership Academy gives some students a daily class period for rest and relaxation. It’s a “therapeutic study hall,” said Janet Ferone. “A lot of our kids are falling asleep in their academic classes, so we needed to make a plan for them to stay awake and meet their goals.”
Some students sign “sleep contracts” that specify when they’ll stop using phones and go to bed.