Protesters outside the White House on Wednesday chanted, “No hate, no fear, trans students are welcome here.” Photo: Al Drago/New York Times
President Trump has rescinded a federal guideline requiring schools to let transgender students use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity. Trump overruled Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, reports the New York Times.
Enforcement of the Obama administration guideline has been blocked by a nationwide injunction.
It’s up to states and local school districts to set bathroom policy, a joint letter from the Justice and Education departments said.
DeVos issued a statement affirming a “moral obligation” for every school in America to protect all students from discrimination, bullying and harassment. “All schools must ensure that students, including L.G.B.T. students, are able to learn and thrive in a safe environment,” the letter said.

Gavin Grimm, a transgender student, is suing for the right to use the boys’ bathroom.
“DeVos, who has been quietly supportive of gay rights for years, was said to have voiced her concern about the high rates of suicide among transgender students,” reported the Times.
This is “the first skirmish in the coming war over Title IX,” writes Andrew Rotherham.
Oral arguments are set for March 28 on whether the Gloucester County School Board in Virginia can block Gavin Grimm, a female-born transgender high school student, from using the boys’ bathroom.
“A key question in the case is whether a federal law, known as Title IX, which bars sex discrimination in education, covers transgender students,” reports U.S. News.