Teachers leave schools because of poor working conditions — not because students come from poor families, concludes Teacher Turnover in High-Poverty Schools published in Teacher College Record.

Not surprisingly, “new teachers in schools that were organized to support them through collegial interaction, opportunities for growth, appropriate assignments, adequate resources, and schoolwide structures supporting student learning were more likely to stay in those schools and in teaching than were the new teachers working at schools that lacked such supports.”
Schools achieving great results for low-income students invest in teachers and cultivate a culture of joyful learning, concludes Innovate Public Schools.
Teacher turnover is much higher in high-poverty neighborhoods, observes Tom Charneau on Cabinet Report.
“High-turnover schools must rely disproportionately on novice teachers,” who typically are less effective, he writes. “The cycle of outgoing and incoming teachers has also been shown to hurt student test scores as well as damaging a school’s relationship with the surrounding community and its parents.”